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S. Janakiraman Advisory Group : Regulatory Review Authority

S. Janakiraman Advisory Group: The Reserve Bank said an advisory group had been constituted to assist the second Regulatory Review Authority (RRA) which was set up by the central bank earlier this month to streamline regulations and reduce the compliance burden of regulated entities. Headed by SBI Managing Director S. Janakiraman, the group will assist […]

What are Social Stock Exchanges (SSEs)?

Social Stock Exchanges (SSEs): A technical group on social stock exchanges (SSEs), constituted by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), has recommended that political and religious organizations, trade organizations as well as corporate foundations should not be allowed to raise funds through SSEs. Pursuant to an announcement made by the Finance Minister Nirmala […]

What Is Post Devolution Revenue Deficit?

Post Devolution Revenue Deficit: The Ministry of Finance has released the second monthly installment of Post Devolution Revenue Deficit (PDRD) Grant of Rs. 9,871 crore for the year 2021-22 to 17 States. About the Post Devolution Revenue Deficit (PDRD): The Centre provides the Post Devolution Revenue Deficit Grant to the States under Article 275 of […]

Unique Disability Identification Portal

Unique Disability Identification Portal: The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment has issued a notification making it mandatory for all States/UTs to grant certificates of disability through online mode only using UDID (Unique Disability ID) portal. Unique Disability Identification (UDID) Portal: The project is being implemented with the view of creating a National Database for […]

Database Of Companies And Auditors: NFRA

Database Of Companies And Auditors: NFRA: National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) has prepared a provisional database of companies and auditors. The National Financial Reporting Authority is a regulatory body set up under Section 132 of the Companies Act to oversee compliance with Accounting and Auditing Standards by companies that can be described as Public Interest […]

NPCI on Cryptocurrency Transactions

Cryptocurrency Transactions: National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) has refused to ban cryptocurrency transactions. Further, it has put the onus on banks whether to ban transactions of cryptocurrency trades or not. It told banks to make a decision based on the advice of their legal and compliance departments. The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) […]