Mission To Save Vultures: Tamil Nadu recently launched mission to save critically endangered vultures. The committee, which has a two-year tenure, will take steps for monitoring the conservation and recovery of existing vulture sites and mapping of vulture populations across the State for creating safe zones. It will work to eliminate the use of toxic […]
Category: Environment Current Affairs
Nihonshu: The Embassy of Japan, New Delhi, has filed an application seeking Geographical Indication (GI) tag for nihonshu/Japanese sake. This is the first time a product from Japan has filed for a tag at the Geographical Indication Registry in Chennai. In Japan, nihonshu is regarded as a special and valuable beverage made from fermenting rice. […]
International Solar Alliance
International Solar Alliance: 5th assembly of ISA has been inaugurated in India. India holds the office of the President of the ISA Assembly, with the Government of France as Co-President. The Assembly is the apex decision-making body of ISA, where each Member Country is represented. It meets annually at the ministerial level at the ISA’s […]
Giraffes: Giraffes brought to India by the British may belong to endangered species. A genetic distance analysis of the giraffes in Alipore showed that they were most closely related to Nubian and Rothschild giraffes. About 150 years ago, British colonialists brought batches of single species of the northern giraffe to India, from their other colonial […]
Indian Bison
Indian Bison: Sri Lanka recently asks India to translocate 6 Indian bisons or gaurs to reintroduce them in the island after three centuries. Indian Bisons are one of the largest extant bovines. It is one of the largest species among the wild cattle, reaching a shoulder height of up to 220 cm. They are found […]
Secure Himalaya Project
Secure Himalaya Project: The Union Environment ministry in association with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been implementing ‘Secure Himalaya’ project to conserve the habitats of snow leopards The ‘Secure Himalaya’ project is funded by the Global Environment Facility. It supports the government’s efforts for conservation of snow leopard and its habitat by developing […]
Carbon Dating
Carbon Dating: Recently a court in Varanasi has rejected a plea requesting carbon dating into the structure (claimed to be shivling) found inside Gyanvapi Mosque. Carbon dating is a widely-used method to establish the age of organic materials. The dating method is based on the fact that Carbon-14 (C-14), an isotope of carbon with an […]
World Sloth Bear Day
World Sloth Bear Day: The first World Sloth Bear Day was observed on October 12. It aims to spread awareness about protection and conservation of sloth bears. A proposal for observing the World Sloth Bear Day was mooted by Wildlife SOS India, an organisation involved in sloth bear conservation and protection for over two decades […]
Mainstreaming Biodiversity In Forestry Report: FAO
Mainstreaming Biodiversity In Forestry Report: FAO Food and Agriculture Organization’s recently released report titled “Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Forestry Report”, integrating biodiversity into such ‘production forests’ is paramount. Recommendations of the Report: Recognizing the forest tenure of Indigenous Peoples and local communities, with emphasis on enhancing the equitable sharing of benefits. Preventing the conversion of natural […]
Climate Tipping Points
Climate Tipping Points: According to a major study, the climate crisis has driven the world to the brink of multiple “disastrous” tipping points. Climate Tipping Points or CTPs are markers of a larger climate system which when triggered beyond a threshold, perpetuates warming on its own. According to the Study, five dangerous tipping points may […]