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Trade Infrastructure For Export Scheme

Trade Infrastructure For Export Scheme: The Union Minister of State in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry informed the parliament that under Trade Infrastructure for Export Scheme (TIES), financial assistance for a total of 40 export infrastructure projects has been approved during 2019-2023. Trade Infrastructure for Export Scheme (TIES): This scheme replaced a centrally sponsored […]

ATL Sarthi : NITI Aayog

ATL Sarthi : NITI Aayog NITI Aayog recently launched ATL Sarthi, a comprehensive self-monitoring framework to strengthen the ever-growing ecosystem of Atal Tinkering Labs (ATL). ATL Sarthi will enable the Atal Tinkering Labs to be efficient and effective. The initiative has four pillars ensuring the performance enhancement of ATLs through regular process improvements like MyATL […]

MSME Competitive (LEAN) Scheme

MSME Competitive (LEAN) Scheme: The Union Minister for MSME launched the MSME Competitive (LEAN) Scheme The scheme attempt to improve quality, productivity & performance, and capability to change the mindsets of MSME manufacturers and transform them into world-class manufacturers. Through the LEAN journey, MSMEs can reduce wastages substantially, increase productivity, improve quality, work safely, expand […]

Success Of “SWAYATT” Initiative

Success Of “SWAYATT” Initiative: A function was held to commemorate the success of “SWAYATT”, an initiative that was first launched in February 2019. SWAYATT Initiative is an initiative to promote Start-ups, Women and Youth Advantage Through eTransactions on Government eMarketplace (GeM). Aim: To promote the inclusion of various categories of sellers and service providers on […]