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Twitter Has Lost Its Intermediary Status In India

Twitter Has Lost Its Intermediary Status In India: According to some media reports, Twitter has lost its intermediary status in India over non-compliance of the new IT rules that came into effect on May 26. As per Section 2 (1) of the Information Technology Act, an intermediary is a person/entity that receives, stores and transmits […]

Customized Crash Course Programme For Covid 19 Frontline Workers

Customized Crash Course Programme For Covid 19 Frontline Workers: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch the ‘Customized Crash Course program for Covid 19 Frontline workers’ on 18th June 2021. The launch will commence the programme in 111 training centres spread over 26 states. The programme will create skilled non-medical healthcare workers to fill the present […]

National Maritime Heritage Complex (NMHC) : Gujrat

National Maritime Heritage Complex (NMHC) : Gujrat: The Ministry of Culture (MoC) and Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways (MoPSW) signed an MoU for Cooperation in Development of National Maritime Heritage Complex (NMHC) at Lothal, Gujarat’. The foundation stone for the project was laid by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in March 2019. National Maritime Heritage […]

Cross-Disability Early Intervention Centres

Cross-Disability Early Intervention Centres: Minister for Social Justice & Empowerment inaugurated 14 Cross-Disability Early Intervention Centres located at 7 National Institutes and 7 Composite Regional Centres. These have been established under the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD), Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. These have been set up at 7 National Institutes […]


ADI PRASHIKSHAN Portal: Minister of Tribal Affairs launched the ADI PRASHIKSHAN portal. ADI PRASHIKSHAN portal is developed by the Ministry of tribal affairs. It would act as a Central Repository of all training programs conducted by Tribal Research Institutes (TRIs), different divisions of Ministry, National Society for Education of Tribal Students (NESTS), Centre of Excellence […]

World Competitiveness Index 2021

World Competitiveness Index 2021: According to the World Competitiveness Yearbook (WCY), India maintained 43rd rank on the annual World Competitiveness Index. The World Competitiveness Index is a comprehensive annual report and worldwide reference point on the competitiveness of countries. Published by: WCY was first published in 1989 and is compiled by the Institute for Management […]

Changes In Cable Television Network Rules

Changes In Cable Television Network Rules: The central government issued a notification amending the Cable Television Network Rules, 1994 thereby providing a statutory mechanism for redressal of grievances/complaints of citizens. These grievances/complaints are related to content broadcast by television channels in accordance with the provisions of the Cable Television Network Act, 1995. About the Notification: […]

Shenzhou-12” : Chinese Spaceship

Shenzhou-12: Chinese Spaceship: A Chinese spaceship “Shenzhou-12” carrying a three-person crew docked with China’s new space station module Tianhe-1. This has come after the launch of the Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft, which carried vital supplies for the space station. The Shenzhou-12 craft connected with the Tianhe space station module about six hours after takeoff from the […]