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Remission Of Duties And Taxes On Export Products (RoDTEP) Scheme

Remission Of Duties And Taxes On Export Products (RoDTEP) Scheme: The government had left out sectors such as iron and steel, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, from the Remission of Duties and Taxes on Export Products (RoDTEP) scheme. These sectors were omitted from the scheme, as iron and steel were ‘already booming’ and the pharma industry’s business […]

World Haemophilia Day 2022: Theme

World Haemophilia Day: World Haemophilia day is celebrated on 17th April every year, aiming to increase awareness about haemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders. The day is celebrated in the honour of Frank Schnabel, founder of the World Federation of Haemophilia (WHF). This year’s (2022) theme is “Access for All: Partnership. Policy. Progress. Engaging your […]

Vaquita Porpoise: Little Cow

Vaquita Porpoise: Little Cow According to the United States Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), Vaquita porpoise (Phocoena sinus) is nearing extinction and immediate measures are needed to save the remaining population. Porpoises are among the smallest members of the cetacean family (whales, porpoises and dolphins). They are only distant relatives of dolphins (they last had […]

Draft Uniform Code For Medical Device Marketing Practices

Draft Uniform Code For Medical Device Marketing Practices: The Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) recently published the draft Uniform Code for Medical Device Marketing Practices (UCMDMP), which is aimed at bringing in a voluntary code to regulate fair marketing practices by the medical device industry. It also aims at giving the industry an identity, apart from […]