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Man-Portable Air-Defence Systems : Key Points

Man-Portable Air-Defence Systems: The United States and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are shipping weapons into Ukraine, including highly sensitive items such as shoulder-fired missiles called Man-Portable Air-Defence Systems (MANPADS) that can take down aircraft. Countries such as India, Pakistan, Germany, UK, Turkey and Israel have also used MANPADS in their defence efforts. Russia is […]

International Day To Combat Islamophobia

International Day To Combat Islamophobia: As the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution to proclaim March 15 as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, India expressed concern over phobia against “one religion being elevated to the level of an international day”. India’s Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador T.S. Tirumurti said in the General […]

What Is Medical And Wellness Tourism?

What Is Medical And Wellness Tourism? The Ministry of Tourism has formulated a National Strategy and Roadmap for Medical and Wellness Tourism. The policy envisages promoting India as a Medical Value Travel (MVT) and Wellness destination. Medical & Wellness tourism may be defined as ‘activities related to travel and hosting a foreign tourist who stays […]

Regulatory Framework For Microfinance Loans: Highlights

Regulatory Framework For Microfinance Loans: Highlights The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) allowed Microfinance Institutions(MFI) the freedom to set interest rates they charge borrowers, with a caveat that the rates should not be usurious. The guidelines will take effect 1st April 02022. Earlier in 2021, the RBI proposed to lift the interest rate cap on […]

What Is Phosphorus Bomb?

What Is Phosphorus Bomb? Ukrainian police has accused Russian forces of launching phosphorus bomb attacks (chemical weapon) in the Lugansk and Donetsk regions of eastern Ukraine, collectively known as the Donbas. International law prohibits the use of white phosphorus shells in heavily populated civilian areas, but allows them in open spaces to be used as […]

First Gati Shakti Cargo Terminal : Railways

First Gati Shakti Cargo Terminal: Indian Railways’ first Gati Shakti Cargo Terminal commissioned in Asansol Division in pursuance of the Prime Minister’s vision “Gati Shakti”. This is the first such GCT commissioned in Indian Railways since the publication of GCT policy in December 2021 It is expected to enhance Indian Railways’ earnings. The commissioning of […]

Non-Performing Assets of MSMEs Due to COVID-19

What Is a Non-Performing Asset? Despite a host of loan restructuring schemes and packages announced by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the government, the Covid pandemic has hit the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) very hard. Gross Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) of MSMEs, or loans defaulted by these enterprises, rose by Rs 20,000 […]