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MyCGHS: Central Government Health Scheme

Central Government Health Scheme: Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare digitally launched the revamped CGHS (Central Government Health Scheme) website and mobile app, “MyCGHS”. The Website has been developed in accordance with GIGW (Guidelines for Indian Government Websites). These standards and guidelines make the website 3U compliant i.e., Usable, User-Centric and Universally Accessible. As […]

Criminal Justice Reform: Slow Pace

Criminal Justice Reforms: Experts have expressed “serious concerns over the slow pace of reforms in the criminal justice system to ensure speedy justice”. The delay in disposal of cases was leading to human rights violations of the under-trials and convicts. Despite the Supreme Court’s directions on police reforms, there had been hardly any changes on […]

China-Taiwan Relations

China-Taiwan Relations: China recently flew 39 warplanes toward Taiwan in its largest such sortie of the new year, continuing a pattern that the island has answered by scrambling its own jets in response. China often mounts such missions to express displeasure at something Taiwan has done or at shows of international support for the democratically […]

Food Fortification

Food Fortification: The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India’s (FSSAI’s) Food Fortification Resource Centre (FFRC) has reported that over 70% of India’s population consumes less than half the daily recommended dietary allowance of micronutrients. These deficiencies are prevalent not only in women and children from rural areas but also affect population groups in urban […]

What is Negative Ion Technology?

Negative Ion Technology: The Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (ANVS), Netherlands issued a statement identifying various negative ion wearable products containing more Radioactivity than legally permitted. Negative ion technology embeds negative ions in personal products and is currently being advertised as a means to maintain health, balance energy, and improve well-being. This technology […]

Subhash Chandra Bose Awards For Disaster Management 2022

Subhash Chandra Bose Awards For Disaster Management: The Gujarat Institute of Disaster Management (GIDM) and Professor Vinod Sharma, the founder co-ordinator of the National Centre of Disaster Management, have been selected for the Subhash Chandra Bose Aapda Prabandhan Puraskar for 2022 for their excellent work in disaster management. The GIDM was established in 2012 and […]

International Counter Terrorism Conference 2022

International Counter Terrorism Conference 2022: The International Counter Terrorism Conference 2022 was organised by the Global Counter Terrorism Council (GCTC). GCTC is an International Think-Tank Council with an overarching mission of reducing the vulnerability of people worldwide to terrorism by preventing, combating and prosecuting terrorist acts and countering incitement and recruitment to terrorism. Earlier, in […]