CO2 Emissions Report 2022:IEA
According to the CO2 Emissions in 2022 Report by the International Energy Agency
- Global energy-related CO2 emissions increased by less than 1% in 2022
- The report highlights rise in emissions was significantly lower than the exceptional increase of over six per cent in 2021.
- It recommended stronger steps to accelerate the clean energy transition to achieve energy and climate goals.
- According to the report, emissions in China decreased in 2022 due to the COVID lockdown.
- In the European Union, emissions decreased by 2.5%.
- In the US, emissions increased by 0.8%.
- The Carbon emissions from the fuel coal increased by 1.6%.
- The emissions from oil increased by 2.5%.
- The aviation sector was the major polluter in this fuel category.
- In the energy sector, the major emissions came from electricity generators, particularly coal-based electricity generators. Solar energy and wind energy power plants increased throughout the world.
- The emissions from the global industries decreased.
- The main reason behind the reduction was a 10% decrease in cement production and a 2% decrease in steel production
- The overall price of energy increased, fuel trade was disrupted, and inflation hit peaks. For these reasons, the overall emissions decreased
- Emissions due to natural gas decreased by 1.6%