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Direct-Seeding Method

Direct-Seeding Method:

Farmers in leading rice-growing states are adopting the direct-seeding method as a solution to delayed rains and labor shortages.

  • Direct Seeded Rice (DSR), also known as the ‘broadcasting seed technique,’ is a water-saving method of sowing paddy.
  • In this method, seeds are directly drilled into the fields, eliminating the need for nursery preparation and transplantation.
  • With the use of drum seeders, only two laborers are required to sow seeds on one acre, compared to 25-30 laborers needed in traditional methods.
  • This significantly reduces labor costs and eases the burden on farmers.
  • By eliminating the need for nursery cultivation, farmers save approximately 30 days in the crop cycle.
  • This allows them to start the rabi season early and avoid untimely rains during the harvesting phase.
  • The direct-seeding method reduces water requirements by around 15% as water logging occurs only after a month. This is especially beneficial in areas where rainfall is delayed.
  • According to the results from research trials and farmers’ field survey, after this technique the yield is one to two quintals per acre higher than puddled transplanted rice.