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Entamoeba Moshkovskii : Leading Pathogen Causing Diarrhoea Outbreaks

Entamoeba Moshkovskii : Leading Pathogen Causing Diarrhoea Outbreaks

The recent three-year surveillance study by the National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases (ICMR-NICED) reveals the emergence of Entamoeba moshkovskii (E. Moshkovskii) as a leading pathogen causing diarrhoea outbreaks in the Kolkata region.

  • The previously non-pathogenic amoeba, Entamoeba moshkovskii, has now become the primary cause of amoebic infections, surpassing the once dominant pathogen, E. histolytica.
  • The study found that over 3% of patients with diarrhoea were infected with E. moshkovskii, making it the leading cause of amoebic infections in humans in Kolkata.
  • Infections caused by E. histolytica, the previous predominant amoeba pathogen, were decreasing, while E. moshkovskii was taking its place.
  • Unlike E. histolytica, which usually peaked during the wet season and decreased during the dry season, E. moshkovskii infections in Kolkata exhibited two distinct infection peaks coinciding with the summer and post-fall seasons.
  • E. moshkovskii infections were most prevalent in children aged 5-12 years.
  • The study indicated that E. moshkovskii may act as a “potential” pathogen, causing diarrhoea and gastrointestinal disorders, rather than solely being a commensal of the human gut.

Entamoeba moshkovskii:

  • It belongs to the same genus as E. histolytica but has distinct genetic and biochemical traits.
  • Originally isolated from sewage in Moscow in 1941.
  • Found in soil, water, and animals.
  • Symptoms:
    • Causes problems like diarrhea, tummy pain, fever, and dehydration.
    • It can damage the intestines, leading to ulcers, bleeding, or even serious issues like infections in the liver.