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European Parliament Elections

European Parliament Elections:

The European Parliament elections this week will determine representatives who negotiate EU laws with member state governments, ensuring citizens’ representation in the EU.

  • European Parliament is the directly elected legislative body of the European Union (EU).
  • It is one of the EU’s main institutions and represents the citizens of the EU member states.
  • The Parliament is headquartered in Strasbourg, France, but its work is conducted in three locations: Strasbourg, Brussels (Belgium), and Luxembourg.
  • Primary Functions:
    • Negotiating EU laws with member state governments.
    • Approving the EU budget.
    • Voting on international agreements and enlargements.
    • Approving or rejecting the appointment of the European Commission president and commissioners.
    • Composition, Term and Leadership:
  • The EP comprises 720 members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who are elected by EU citizens every five years.
  • MEPs then elect their president for a term of two and a half years.
  • All candidates must be EU citizens.
  • Voters may choose from individual candidates or delegates from political parties.
  • Once elected, politicians from each nation join the European groups based on their political orientations.
  • Elected MEPs cannot hold functions in national governments or other political bodies such as the EU Commission, the Court of Justice, or the Court of Auditors.