Small Black Holes Discovered In Cluster NGC 6397:
The astronomers have discovered a concentration of smaller black holes in the cluster NGC 6397. Small black holes were discovered instead of one massive black hole at the heart of the cluster.
- The Globular clusters are a dense stellar system that hosts the closely packed stars.
- Such systems are typically very old. For instance, the cluster NGC 6397 is as old as the universe.
- NGC 6397 cluster is located around 7,800 light-years away.
- Thus, it is one of the closest globular clusters to the Planet Earth.
- This cluster is also known as the Core-Collapsed Cluster because of its very dense nucleus.
- The precise measurement of the stars in the cluster’s core was made with the Hubble Space Telescope.
NGC 6397 - The cluster is also known as Caldwell 86. It is a globular cluster lying in the constellation Ara.
- The cluster is located around 7,800 light-years from Earth.
- It comprises around 400,000 stars.
- The cluster can be observed with naked-eye under good observing conditions.
- This cluster is one among the at least 20 globular clusters in the Milky Way Galaxy which has gone through the core collapse.
- Core collapse means the core has contracted to a dense stellar agglomeration.