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State Of Healthcare In Rural India 2024

State Of Healthcare In Rural India 2024:

The “State of Healthcare in Rural India, 2024” report was released by NGO Transform Rural India and Development Intelligence Unit.

  • The survey covered 21 States including Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Tamil Nādu, and Uttar Pradesh.
  • The sample achieved included 52.5% male respondents and 47.5% female respondents.

Key Highlights of the Report:

  • Only about 50% of rural households in the country have government health insurance, while 34% lack any health insurance coverage at all.
  • 61% of surveyed households do not have life insurance.
  •  It revealed that there is a lack of diagnostic facilities in the rural areas mostly because of shortage of trained personnel.
  • Only 39% of respondents have access to a diagnostic facility within commutable distance.
  • 90% of respondents do not undergo routine health checkups unless recommended by a doctor.
  • Only 12.2% of households have access to subsidised medicines from Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Kendras.
  • Only 26% respondents had access to a government medical store located within the premises of a health facility that provides free medicines.
  • 61% have access to a private medical store within commutable distance.
  • 20% of the households reported no drainage system in their villages and only 23% had a covered drainage network system in their villages.
  • 43% of households did not have any scientific system of waste disposal and they ended up with dumping their waste everywhere.
  • Only 11% burn the dry waste and convert their wet waste into compost, while 28% reported that the local panchayat has made plans to collect household waste.
  •  73% of the households with elderly members need constant care and the majority (95.7%) prefer family caregivers, predominantly female (72.1%), highlighting the need for caregiver training on home-based care.
  • Only 3% of households have engaged in paid external caregivers.
  • 10% rely on neighbourhood support in the absence of family caregivers.
  • Majority of caregivers for pregnant women include husbands (62.7%), mothers-in-law (50%), and mothers (36.4%).
  • The report emphasises the need for strong social networks, supportive environments, and capacity building for family caregivers.
  • 45% of the respondents across gender most of the time have anxiety and worry that impacts their state of mind.
  • Anxiety and worry impact mental health much more among the older population than the younger ones.