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Upper Karnali Hydro-Electric Power Project

Upper Karnali Hydro-Electric Power Project:

The Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited (IREDA) is set to invest approximately ₹290 crore in the Upper Karnali Hydro-Electric Power Project.

  • Upper Karnali Hydro-Electric Power Project is a 900 MW run-of-the-river hydropower project being developed on the Karnali River in Nepal.
  • The project will supply power to Nepal, India, and Bangladesh for a contracted period of 25 years.
  • The Government of Nepal awarded the project to GMR Upper Karnali Hydro Power Limited (GUKHL), a subsidiary of GMR Group India, under a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed in January 2008.
  • GMR is developing the project on a build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) basis.
  • The Nepal Government received 27% free equity in the project as part of the MoU with GMR.
  • It is estimated to generate 3,466 million units of electricity, while offsetting approximately two million tons of greenhouse gas emissions a year.
  • It will feature a concrete gravity dam, headrace tunnels, a fish pass, feeder tunnels, surge and pressure shafts, and silt flushing tunnels.