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Digital Divide

Digital Divide: The Supreme Court has flaggedthe consequences of growing digital divide. It observed, the digital divide caused by online classes will defeat the fundamental right of every child to education Little children whose parents are too poor to afford laptops, tablets or an “optimum” Internet package at home for online classes during the pandemic […]

G-Sec Acquisition Programme (GSAP)

G-Sec Acquisition Programme (GSAP): The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is halting its bond buying under the G-Sec Acquisition Programme (GSAP) for now. It said that the measure had succeeded in ensuring adequate liquidity and stabilising financial markets. Coupled with other liquidity measures, it facilitated congenial and orderly financing conditions and a conducive environment for […]

Cyber Security In Power Sector

Cyber Security In Power Sector: Ministry of Power has released guidelines for the Cyber Security in Power Sector. Central Electricity Authority (CEA) under the provision of Section 3(10) on Cyber Security in the “Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid) (Amendment) Regulations, 2019” has framed Guideline on Cyber Security in Power Sector […]

Application Ecosystem For Integration Of Procurement Portals

Application Ecosystem For Integration Of Procurement Portals: The Department of Food and Public Distribution has developed an application ecosystem for integration of procurement portals of all state governments. The Application Ecosystem will allow the integration of procurement portals of all state governments having Minimum Threshold Parameters (MTPs) for monitoring and strategic decision making. The introduction […]

Interpol: Important Points

What Is Interpol? The Interpol has launched an online campaign to apprise people of major cyberthreats to help them protect their computer systems, networks and personal information from cybercriminals. The three-week campaign, from October 4 to 22, would be run primarily through social media. Objective of the campaign: With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, in […]

Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB)

Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB): Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB), a joint initiative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), launched its programme in Seychelles on 4th October, 2021. India was chosen as the Partner Administration and has provided Tax Expert for this programme. This programme […]