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ACI Worldwide Report On Real-Time Transactions

ACI Worldwide Report On Real-Time Transactions: As per the ACI Worldwide Report on Real-time transactions, in the year 2021, India’s real-time transactions increased to 48.6 billion. This is almost threefold of China which is the closest challenger having 18 billion transactions. India’s transaction volume is seven times greater than the combined volumes of the U.S., […]

Pratapsingh Rane : Lifetime Status Of The Rank Of Cabinet Minister

Pratapsingh Rane : Lifetime Status Of The Rank Of Cabinet Minister The BJP govt had honoured the veteran Congress leader – Pratapsingh Rane – for his 50 years as MLA by providing the “lifetime status of the rank of Cabinet minister”. Pratapsingh Rane is a six-time Chief Minister of Goa and a legislator for a […]

Governor’s Powers To Appoint VCs Of State Universities

Governor’s Powers To Appoint VCs Of State Universities: Tamil Nadu has passed two Bills proposing to take away the Governor’s powers to appoint VCs of state universities. Highlights of the Bill: The Bills stress that “every appointment of the Vice-Chancellor shall be made by the Government from out of a panel of three names” recommended […]

Defence Acquisition Procedure (DAP) 2020

Defence Acquisition Procedure (DAP) 2020: Defence Acquisition Procedure (DAP) 2020 has been amended based on the approvals accorded by Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) in respect of the following: Going forward all modernisation requirements of the Defence Services and Indian Coast Guard are to be indigenously sourced irrespective of the nature of procurement. Import of defence […]

International Religious Freedom Report 2022

International Religious Freedom Report 2022: The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has recommended for the second year in the row to put India on a list (Countries of Particular Concern or CPCs) for the worst violations of religious freedoms in 2021. Earlier, the US State Department released a strong and critical report on […]