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APSTAR-6E Satellite

APSTAR-6E Satellite:

China’s APSTAR-6E satellite has officially begun operating after successfully passing technical reviews both in orbit and on the ground in Hong Kong.

  • APSTAR-6E Satellite is China’s first all-electric propulsion communication satellite.
  • Developed by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), this satellite operates in geostationary orbit.
  • Launched via a Long March-2C rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center on January 13, 2023, APSTAR-6E completed its journey to geostationary orbit after separating from its independent propulsion module.
  • As the first in its series, APSTAR-6E holds the distinction of being the world’s initial telecommunication satellite to autonomously transfer from low Earth orbit to geostationary orbit using electric propulsion, marking a significant technological achievement.
  • It is designed to last 15 years.
  • Its primary mission is to deliver efficient and high-capacity broadband communication services across Southeast Asia, aiming to provide reliable connectivity at a competitive cost.
  • It carries 25 Ku-band transponders and three Ka-band gateway transponders that can provide a combined communication throughput of 30 gigabytes per second.