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Qutb Shahi Tomb Complex

Qutb Shahi Tomb Complex:

After a decade-long restoration effort by the Telangana Government’s Department of Heritage and Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) the Qutb Shahi Heritage Park was opened to the public.

  • Qutb Shahi tomb complex was built by the Qutb Shahi dynasty that ruled the region from 1518 A.D. to 1687 A.D.
  • This complex is located in – Ibrahim bagh in Hyderabad.
  • It consists of 30 tombs, mosques and a mortuary bath. The tombs belong to the rulers of the Qutb Shahi Dynasty.
  • It is a 500-year-old cluster of grand mausoleums, idgah, graves, funerary mosques, a hammam (bath), and baolis (stepwells).
  • It collectively constitutes an outstanding example of an Indo-Muslim dynastic necropolis.
  • These tombs are present in a large group on a raised platform.
  • They resemble Persian, Pathan and Hindu architectural styles that make use of grey granite, with stucco ornamentation and is a one-of-its-kind place in the world where the whole dynasty is buried at a single spot.
  • They lie amidst beautifully landscaped gardens with intricately carved stonework.