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Quarterly Employment Survey (QES): Second Round

Second Round Of The Quarterly Employment Survey (QES): Union Labour and Employment Ministry released July-Sept. 2021 employment figures under the second round of the Quarterly Employment Survey (QES). Nine sectors that account for about 85% of total employment in establishments with 10 or more workers hired two lakh more people in July-September 2021 compared to […]

Red Sanders

Red Sanders: The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) recently categorised the Red Sanders (or Red Sandalwood) again into the ‘endangered’ category in its Red List. It was classified as ‘near threatened’ in 2018. The species, Pterocarpus santalinus, is an Indian endemic tree species, with a restricted geographical range in the Eastern Ghats. The […]

IndiaSkills 2021

IndiaSkills 2021: IndiaSkills 2021 Nationals, the country’s biggest skill competition, concluded recently. It is designed to demonstrate the highest standards of skilling and offers a platform to young people to showcase their talent at national and international levels. IndiaSkills Competition is held every two years with the support of state governments and industry. It has […]

Developing Country Tag To China: WTO

Developing Country Tag To China: WTO China got the ‘developing country’ status at the World Trade Organisation (WTO). It has become a contentious issue with a number of countries raising concerns against the decision. Earlier in 2019, the South Korean Government decided not to seek any special treatment as a developing country from future negotiations […]

Least Developed Country (LDC) Status: WTO

Least Developed Country’ (LDC) Status: Concerns have been raised at the World Trade Organization (WTO) over the ‘least developed country’ (LDC) status, with Bangladesh potentially losing this tag after surpassing India in terms of GDP per capita. The WTO recognises LDCs relying on a classification by the UN based on a criteria that is reviewed […]

SKOCH Award 2021

SKOCH Award: The project named Mission Parvarish to combat malnourishment among children aged six months to five years has earned the SKOCH Award for southern Assam’s Cachar district. The programme was launched during the “nutrition month” in 2020. The programme entailed a coordinated socio-economic approach for malnourished children of families below the poverty line. Government […]