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Nipah Virus in Kozhikode district of Kerala

Nipah Virus: After a gap of over three years, a case of the zoonotic Nipah virus infection has been reported in Kozhikode district of Kerala. A contact list of 188 persons, a majority of them healthcare workers, has been prepared. Symptomatic persons will be shifted to hospital. At a time when there is a relentless […]

International Fund For Agricultural Development

International Fund For Agricultural Development: IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) has committed to focus 30% of its climate finance to support nature-based solutions in rural small-scale agriculture by 2030. Ahead of the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) World Conservation Congress (WCC), it calls for more investment to protect biodiversity. The IUCN […]

Behler Turtle Conservation Award

Behler Turtle Conservation Award: Indian biologist Shailendra Singh has been awarded the Behler Turtle Conservation Award for bringing three critically endangered turtle conservation species back from the brink of extinction. There are 29 species of freshwater turtles and tortoises in the country. About Behler Turtle Conservation Award: Established in 2006, it is a major annual […]

Eastern Economic Forum (EEF): 6th Edition

6th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF): The Prime Minister of India (PM) addressed the plenary session of the 6th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) via video-conferencing. The PM highlighted the importance of India-Russia relations and potential areas of cooperation in line with the ‘Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership’. Highlights of PM’s Address: Applauded Russia’s vision for the […]

NASA’s Perseverance Rover: Collected Its First Rock Sample

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Has Successfully Collected Its First Rock Sample: NASA’s Perseverance rover has successfully collected its first rock sample for return to Earth. NASA has called it a perfect core sample. NASA plans to launch more spacecraft to retrieve the samples collected by Perseverance. Perseverance arrived in February 2021 at Mars’ Jezero Crater, the […]

24th Meeting Of Financial Stability And Development Council (FSDC)

24th Meeting Of Financial Stability And Development Council (FSDC).: The 24th meeting deliberated on various mandates of the FSDC such as financial stability, financial sector development, inter-regulatory coordination, financial literacy, financial inclusion, and macro prudential supervision of the economy including the functioning of large financial conglomerates. The council also discussed issues relating to Management of […]