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Artillery Interception System

Artillery Interception System: South Korea has approved plans to develop an artillery interception system, similar to Israel’s Iron Dome. This new defence system will be designed and built specifically to thwart attacks by rockets and long-range missiles launched by North Korea. The South Korean government had announced in June that it would be spending approximately […]

What Are Phosphorus Rocks?

What Are Phosphorus Rocks?: Union Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers informed Parliament that India will explore indigenous deposits of phosphatic rock, a step towards becoming AatmaNirbhar in fertilizer production. Phosphorus rocks or phosphate rocks are unprocessed ores. Phosphate rock deposits can be sedimentary (formed from sediment deposited by water or air) or igneous (having solidified […]

GRB 200826A : Gamma-Ray Burst

GRB 200826A: Gamma-Ray Burst: A group of astronomers have detected a very short, powerful burst of high-energy radiation also known as Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) that lasted for about a second. It was named GRB 200826A after the date it occurred, which is 26th August 2020. It was detected by National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) […]

World Economic Outlook Report 2021 : IMF

World Economic Outlook: IMF: The latest edition of the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) World Economic Outlook has cut its 2021 growth forecast for India to 9.5% from 12.5% estimated earlier in April 2021. While re-calibrating its forecast IMF considered two major factors which are access to vaccines and risk of new Corona-variants. Indian Economy: Indian […]