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Astrobee : NASA’s New Free-Flying Robotic System

Astrobee : NASA’s New Free-Flying Robotic System Astrobee is NASA’s new free-flying robotic system. Astrobee also consists of a system that serves as a research platform that can be outfitted and programmed to conduct microgravity experiments. The three free-flying robots are named Honey, Queen, and Bumble. The robots are shaped like cubes 12.5 inches wide. […]

New Zealand’s Bill On Tobacco Endgame

New Zealand’s Bill On Tobacco Endgame: To fulfil its plan to be smokefree by 2025, the New Zealand Parliament recently tabled the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Smoked Tobacco) Amendment Bill. Emulating New Zealand, Malaysia is also considering a ban on smoking and the sale of all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, to people born after […]

India Has Signed Bilateral Air Service Agreement With 116 Countries

India Has Signed Bilateral Air Service Agreement With 116 Countries: India has signed a bilateral air service agreement with 116 countries including neighbouring Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Pakistan along with the US, UK, UAE etc Airline can operate to/from a point in India: Any designated foreign airline can operate to/from a point in India if it […]