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Treaty On The Prohibition Of Nuclear Weapons

Treaty On The Prohibition Of Nuclear Weapons: The entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in early 2021 highlights the growing divide between the nuclear-armed states and other countries that are impatient to see progress on nuclear disarmament promised by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The Treaty on the Prohibition of […]

What is Jivan Vayu?

Jivan Vayu: IIT Ropar has developed the nation’s first power-free CPAP device ‘Jivan Vayu’. This substitute of CPAP machines can function even without electricity. It is adapted to both kinds of oxygen generation units like O2 cylinders and oxygen pipelines in hospitals. These provisions are not available in otherwise existing CPAP machines. Continuous Positive Airway […]

United Nations Convention To Combat Desertification (UNCCD)

United Nations Convention To Combat Desertification (UNCCD): PM Modi delivered the keynote address at the UN ‘high-level dialogue on desertification, land degradation and drought’. He spoke at the Opening Segment in his capacity as the President of the 14th Session of the Conference of Parties (COP) of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). […]

The 42nd Session Of The Food And Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Conference

The 42nd Session Of The Food And Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Conference: The 42nd session of the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Conference was held recently. For the first time ever, the FAO Conference is held in virtual mode. The conferenc takes place every two years and is FAO’s supreme governing body. It determines the policies […]

New Shephard : Tourists To Space

New Shephard: Tourists To Space: Last week, Amazon founder and billionaire Jeff Bezos’s space company called Blue Origin concluded the online auction for the first seat on New Shephard, a rocket system meant to take tourists to space. The seat went for a winning bid of $28 million. Blue Origin is an American privately-funded aerospace […]

‘Open Societies Statement : G7

Open Societies: India signed off on a joint statement by G-7 and guest countries on “open societies”. The ‘Open Societies Statement’ was adopted at the end of an G7 outreach session titled ‘Building Back Together—Open Societies and Economies’, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi was invited as a lead speaker. The joint statement was signed by […]

Naftali Bennett : Prime Minister of Israel.

Naftali Bennett:Prime Minister of Israel.: Naftali Bennett was sworn-in as the new Prime Minister of Israel. The former defense minister and high-tech millionaire, Bennett, a 49-year-old leader of the right-wing Yamina party, took oath of office after the Israeli parliament Knesset elected him as the 13th Prime Minister by a 60-59 vote in the 120-member […]

Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC)

Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC): UN emergency relief coordinator Mark Lowcock said Tigray region of Ethiopia is witnessing widespread famine. According to an Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analysis, famine conditions in Tigray are in phase 5 with 350,000 people out of Tigray’s 6 million population are experiencing famine. The Integrated Food Security […]

Innovations For Defence Excellence (iDEX) – Defence Innovation Organisation (DIO)

Innovations For Defence Excellence (iDEX) – Defence Innovation Organisation (DIO):   Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has approved the budgetary support of ₹498.8 crores to Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX) – Defence Innovation Organisation (DIO) for the next five years. Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX) was launched by the Government of India in 2018. iDEX will […]