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PM Gati Shakti Entails The Geospatial Mapping

PM Gati Shakti Entails The Geospatial Mapping: PM Gati Shakti entails the geospatial mapping of everything in the country, different layers of maps which talk to each other, leading to integrated planning, with better optimization of time and cost. Geospatial technology uses tools like GIS (Geographic Information System), GPS (Global Positioning System) and Remote Sensing […]

New India Literacy Programme

New India Literacy Programme: The Union of India has approved a Centrally Sponsored Scheme, namely, “New India Literacy Programme (NILP)”. The NILP has been approved for the next five financial years (2022-27) in order to integrate all the aspects of adult education with the National Education Policy, 2020 (NEP). The Education ministry has chosen to […]