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India’s Stand At COP-26

India’s Stand At COP-26:   The Government recently highlighted it’s stand at the COP 26 in the ongoing parliamentary session. It said, the announcement to intensify India’s climate action has the potential to bring investment and new technologies to support country’s transition to a clean and climate resilient economy. The Government of India has articulated […]

What is River Cities Alliance?

River Cities Alliance:   The River Cities Alliance (RCA) has been launched with the objective to provide the member cities with a platform to discuss and exchange information on aspects that are vital for sustainable management of urban rivers, sharing best practices and supporting innovation. The alliance has been launched initially with 30 cities including […]

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): 50th Anniversary

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): 50th Anniversary:   The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2022. UNEP Founded in 1972 following the landmark UN Conference on the Human Environment. UNEP was conceived to monitor the state of the environment, inform policy making with science and coordinate responses to the world’s […]

Uighurs in Winter Olympics

Uighurs:   For the opening ceremony of Winter Olympics, China picked a final torchbearer from Xinjiang as a rebuttal to the many countries that have criticized its human rights record in the region. Xinjiang is a region where multiple governments suspect China is committing an ongoing genocide against Uighur/uyghur and other Muslim minorities. But, critics […]

Scheme Of Assistance To National Sports Federations (NSFs)

Scheme Of Assistance To National Sports Federations (NSFs):   The Union Government has approved continuation of Scheme of Assistance to National Sports Federations (NSFs) with an outlay of Rs. 1575 crore for XV Finance Commission Cycle (2021-22 to 2025-26). The Scheme of Assistance to NSFs is the flagship Central Sector Scheme. It is the main […]

India-Russia Cooperation At The UNSC

India-Russia Cooperation At The UNSC:   The Bilateral consultations on United Nations related issues were held between India and Russia in New Delhi. Russia is set to assume the presidency of the UN Security Council in February, 2022. The discussion came in the backdrop of tensions between Russia and Ukraine over possible eastward expansion by […]