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WALLABY : Radio Telescope In Western Australia

WALLABY : Radio Telescope In Western Australia WALLABY, or the Widefield ASKAP L-band Legacy All-sky Blind survey, is a radio telescope in Western Australia that is helping astronomers build a three-dimensional map of the night sky, mapping galaxies as far as a billion light years away. Radio astronomy involves tracking the signals from radio waves […]

What Is SAIME Initiative?

What Is SAIME Initiative? Under Sustainable Aquaculture In Mangrove Ecosystem (SAIME) initiative, farmers have taken up cultivation of shrimp at 30 hectares in West Bengal. The community-based initiative of sustainable shrimp cultivation is being conceived by NGOs- Nature Environment and Wildlife Society (NEWS) and Global Nature Fund (GNF), Naturland, Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS). […]

King Penguin : Threatened By Climate Change

King Penguin : Threatened By Climate Change A recent study in the Antarctic reveals that king penguins are threatened by climate change. They are the 2nd largest penguin species. Habitat: They live on Antarctic and sub-Antarctic islands. Major colonies are found on Crozet, Prince Edward Island, Kerguelen Island, Heard Island, South Georgia and Macquarie Island. […]

108th Indian Science Congress : Theme

108th Indian Science Congress: Prime Minister will inaugurate inaugural session of the 108th Indian Science Congress through video conferencing on January 3, 2023. Indian Science Congress, the annual gathering of researchers in the country is organised by the Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA). Theme: “Science and Technology for Sustainable Development with Women Empowerment.” The first […]