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North Korean Missile Launches

North Korean Missile Launches: The US has imposed its first sanctions over North Korea’s weapons programs following a series of North Korean missile launches. These sanctions were aimed both to prevent the advancement of North Korea’s programs and to impede its attempts to proliferate weapons technologies. North Korea is continuing its missile program despite several […]

Global Risks Report 2022

Global Risks Report 2022: The Global Risks Report 2022, an annual report, was released by the World Economic Forum. It tracks global risk perceptions among risk experts and world leaders in business, government, and civil society. It examines risks across five categories: economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal, and technological. Impact of Covid-19: The societal and environmental […]

What is Xenotransplantation?

Xenotransplantation: In a medical first, doctors transplanted a pig heart into a patient in a last-ditch effort to save his life in the US. Xenotransplantation involves the transplantation of nonhuman tissues or organs into human recipients. This is the first successful transplant of a pig’s heart into a human being. However, it’s too soon to […]

Gateway To Hell: Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan’s Gateway To Hell: Turkmenistan’s President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov recently ordered officials to find a method of finally extinguishing the ‘Gateway to Hell’ in the country. Turkmenistan’s Gateway to hell, also known as The Darvaza Crater, is 225 feet wide and 99 feet deep. It has a diameter of 70 metres, across an area of 5.5 […]

Four New Supercomputers in National Supercomputing Mission (NSM)

What Is National Supercomputing Mission (NSM)? Under the National Super-Computer Mission (NSM), four new Supercomputers have been installed since July 2021 at IIT-Hyderabad, NABI- Mohali, CDAC-Bengaluru and IIT Kanpur. NSM provides access to High-Performance Computing (HPC) facilities to around 75 institutions and more than thousands of active researchers, academicians working through Nation Knowledge Network (NKN). […]


What Is The OSIRIS-REx Mission? OSIRIS-REx is bringing back an asteroid sample. It will arrive home in 2023, ejecting a capsule full of samples that may help eager scientists decipher the origin of Earth’s water and life. The debris NASA’s asteroid-touching spacecraft collected could help us learn about the origins of our solar system. On […]