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Social Hostilities Index

Social Hostilities Index: India tops the index on social hostilities relating to religion. The report was released by the Washington-based think tank Pew Research Centre The SHI measures acts of religious hostility by private individuals, organizations or groups. The index comprises 13 metrics, including religion-related armed conflict or terrorism and mob or sectarian violence. At […]

National Commission For Backward Classes : Chaired By Hansraj Ahir

National Commission For Backward Classes: The 102nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 2018, NCBC became a constitutional body, established under Article 338B of the Indian Constitution. Hansraj Ahir assumes charge as NCBC chairperson. The commission was the outcome of the Indra Sawhney case (1992) and was a statutory body. The Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and other Members of the […]

Food And Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Report

Food And Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Report: According to the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) new report, The Future of Food and Agriculture — Drivers and triggers for transformation, the world will witness persistent food insecurity if agrifood systems remain the same. This report aims at inspiring strategic thinking and actions to transform agrifood systems towards […]