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Freedom in the World 2021 : U.S. Think Tank Report

U.S. thinktank report: The report “Freedom in the World 2021: Democracy under Siege” was recently released by US think-tank Freedom House. Key findings: Freedoms in India have reduced resulting in India being classified as ‘partly free’. India’s score was 67, a drop from 71/100 from last year downgrading it from the free category last year. […]

Spectrum Auctions 2021 : Highest Bidder

Spectrum Auctions: The telecom spectrum auctions concluded after bidding for a day and a half, with the Centre garnering ₹77,814.8 crore in revenues. The amount exceeded the expectations of the government as well as analysts, as telcos focused on renewing expiring spectrum and consolidating holdings in select bands. The Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Jio was the […]

Himalayan Serow : IUCN Status | CITES | Native To

Himalayan Serow: Himalayan serow was spotted in the Manas Tiger Reserve in Assam. It was spotted close to the border with Bhutan in Manas’s Bansbari-Mathanguri forest. The Himalayan serow is a subspecies of the mainland serow native to the Himalayas. Common name: Himalayan Serow Scientific name: Capricornis sumatraensi thar. Local name: Jingal, Yemu. Description: An […]

Amendment in Insurance Ombudsman Rules 2021

Amendment In Insurance Ombudsman Rules: The government has amended insurance ombudsman rules. As per the new rules: Insurance brokers are now covered under ombudsman rules. Policyholders are now allowed to file online complaints. The scope of complaints has been enlarged to ombudsmen from only disputes earlier to deficiencies in service on the part of insurers, […]

What is Species Recovery Programme?

Species Recovery Programme:   The National Board for Wildlife and Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change last month included the caracal, a medium-sized wildcat found in parts of Rajasthan and Gujarat, in the list of critically endangered species. The recovery programme for critically endangered species in India now includes 22 wildlife species. Caracal – […]

What is Purple Revolution? Under Aroma Mission

Purple Revolution Under Aroma Mission: Around 500 farmers across villages in Doda district in Jammu had their incomes quadrupled after shifting from maize to lavender cultivation which is being called the purple revolution. It was possible due to initiatives taken under Aroma Mission. Purple Revolution (Under Aroma Mission): First-time farmers were given free lavender saplings […]

NDC Synthesis Report : UNFCCC | Paris Agreement

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Synthesis Report:   The UNFCCC, in its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Synthesis Report, has called for more ambitious climate action plans by the countries in order to achieve the Paris Agreement target of containing global temperature rise to 2°C (ideally 1.5°C) by the end of the century. The report was sought […]

How Does Registration Of Political Parties Takes Place?

Registration Of Political Parties: Registration of political parties is governed by the provisions of section 29A of the Representation of the People Act, 1951. A party seeking registration under the said section with the Commission has to submit an application to the Commission within a period of 30 days following the date of its formation […]