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Critical Minerals

Critical Minerals: India and Australia decided to strengthen their partnership in the field of projects and supply chains for critical minerals. Australia confirmed that it would commit USD 5.8 million to the three-year India-Australia Critical Minerals Investment Partnership. Critical minerals are elements that are the building blocks of essential modern-day technologies and are at risk […]

Guidelines To Prevent False Or Misleading Advertisements

Guidelines To Prevent False Or Misleading Advertisements: The Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) recently issued guidelines to prevent false or misleading advertisements. Guidelines: Non-misleading and valid Advertisements. An advertisement can be considered non-misleading if it contains true and honest representation of goods and does not exaggerate the accuracy, scientific validity or practical usefulness or capability. […]

Pasmanda Community

Pasmanda Community: Pasmanda Community has gained attention of many political parties for inclusive growth and eradication of intra caste discrimination. ‘Pasmanda’, a Persian term meaning “those who have fallen behind” refers to Muslims belonging to the shudra (backward) and ati-shudra (Dalit) castes. It was adopted as an oppositional identity to that of the dominant ashraf […]

Direct-Seeded Rice

Direct-Seeded Rice: The state of Punjab was unable to achieve its target in the water-saving method (direct-seeded rice). Direct Seeded Rice(DSR), also known as the ‘broadcasting seed technique,’ is a water-saving method of sowing paddy. In this method, seeds are directly drilled into the fields. In contrast to the traditional water-intensive method of transplanting rice […]

Reforms In Education Sector

Reforms In Education Sector: The Parliamentary Standing Committee carried out a review of education standards, accreditation process, research, examination reforms and academic environment in India’s higher education institutes. Findings of the Report: The higher education department of the Union ministry of Education informed the committee that only 30% of the universities and 20% of the […]

Akhil Bharatiya Shiksha Samagam

Akhil Bharatiya Shiksha Samagam: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the Akhil Bharatiya Shiksha Samagam at Varanasi. The Samagam is being organized by the Education Ministry in association with University Grants Commission and Banaras Hindu University. The three-day event will bring together over 300 Vice-Chancellors and Directors from public and private universities, educationists, policymakers, as […]