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What is Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM)?

Commission for Air Quality Management: The Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) in NCR and adjoining areas has begun the process of setting up a Decision Support System (DSS) having a web, GIS and multi-model based operational and planning decision support tool. This tool will help immensely in capturing the static and dynamic features of […]

Parker Solar Probe : Seventh Successful Swing around the Sun

Parker Solar Probe:   Parker Solar Probe Marks Seventh Successful Swing around the Sun. None are closer than Parker Solar Probe, which passed just 8.4 million miles (13.5 million kilometers) from the Sun’s surface while flying at 289,932 miles per hour on Jan 17. Now just over two years into its seven-year mission, the Parker […]

FATF Blacklisting – Recent Development

FATF blacklisting: Pakistan might be pushed into the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) ‘blacklist’ next month as it continues to finance and tolerate terrorist organizations. According to a report, terrorist organisations, such as Jamaar-ud-Dawa (JuD) and Jaish-e-Muhammed (JeM), continue to operate with impunity in Pakistan. FATF Blacklist: It is a list of countries that the […]

Google-French Deal for Payments Regarding Online News Content

Google-French Deal: Google has signed a deal with a group of French publishers to make digital copyright payments for online news content. A similar tussle is ongoing between the Australian government and global tech platforms (google and Facebook) over the sharing of royalties with news publishers. About the Google-French Deal: France became the first country […]

4-Tier Structure for Regulation of NBFCs – Proposal by RBI

4-Tier Structure for Regulation of NBFCs: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has proposed a tighter regulatory framework for Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) by creating a four-tier structure with a progressive increase in the intensity of regulation. It has also proposed the classification of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) of base layer NBFCs from 180 days to […]

Environment Protection Act, 1986: Recent Development on its Scope

Environment Protection Act, 1986: The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) in the Karnataka High Court claimed that the Environment Protection Act, 1986 was passed by Parliament not only for protection of environment but also at the instance of foreign powers. A writ petition filed by the NGO, United Conservation Movement, against a 2013 notification […]

Khelo India Youth Games : Four Indigenous Martial Art Forms Included

Khelo India Youth Games: Four indigenous martial art forms included in Khelo India Youth Games: The Khelo India Youth games were launched in 2018 as a multidisciplinary grassroots event for under-17 years and under-21 years. Conducted annually, the best performers are given an annual scholarship of ₹5 lakh for eight years to prepare for international […]

Recent Supreme Court decision on mercy petition of AG Perarivalan

Rajiv Gandhi Case Convict: Tamil Nadu Governor Banwarilal Purohit has told the Supreme Court that a decision on the mercy petition of AG Perarivalan- a convict serving a life sentence for the assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, will be taken within four weeks. The petition has been pending with the Governor since December […]

WHO Funding Resumed by USA | Types of WHO Funding

WHO funding: The U.S. has resumed its funding for WHO as President Joe Biden shifts towards greater international cooperation in the fight against COVID-19. Last year, US President Donald Trump had put a hold on America’s funding to the World Health Organization, accusing it of becoming China-centric during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The US is […]

Taiwan’s de facto Ambassador to the U.S. invited to President Joe Biden’s Inauguration.

Taiwan’s de facto Ambassador to the U.S. was formally invited to President Joe Biden’s inauguration: Taipei’s Foreign Ministry said it was the first time in decades that a Taiwanese envoy had been “invited” by the inauguration committee. China- Taiwan relations: China has claimed Taiwan through its “one China” policy since the Chinese civil war forced […]