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INS Valsura Has Been Awarded The Prestigious President’s Colour

INS Valsura Has Been Awarded The Prestigious President’s Colour: The Indian Naval Ship (INS) Valsura has been awarded the prestigious President’s Colour by President Ram Nath Kovind. To mark this occasion, a guard of honour of 150-men was presented to the President and a ceremonial parade was held. About President’s Colour Award: It is the […]

Polar Science And Cryosphere Research Scheme

Polar Science And Cryosphere Research Scheme: The National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR), an autonomous institute that falls under the ambit of the Ministry of Earth Sciences has successfully implemented the Polar Science and Cryosphere Research (PACER) scheme which comprises of Indian Arctic program, the Antarctic program, Cryosphere, and Climate program, and Southern […]

Wildlife Conservation Bond

Wildlife Conservation Bond: The world’s first wildlife bond has been issued by the World Bank, raising USD 150 million that will partly be used for the conservation of South Africa’s black rhinos. The Wildlife Conservation Bond is the world’s first-of-its-kind financial instrument that is outcome-based to conserve black rhino populations. International Bank for Reconstruction and […]

GSAT-7B : Dedicated Satellite For The Indian Army

GSAT-7B : Dedicated Satellite For The Indian Army The Ministry of Defense has given the Acceptance of Necessity for the GSAT-7B satellite. This satellite will be a dedicated satellite for the Indian Army. The satellite would help the Indian Army enhance its surveillance in border areas. Currently, India has only two dedicated military satellites — […]

Sujalam 2.0 Grey Water Recycling Project

Sujalam 2.0 Grey Water Recycling Project: On the World Water Day (22nd March), the Ministry of Jal Shakti launched a countrywide project to reuse grey water, or run-offs from kitchens, bathing and laundry. The campaign would focus on the creation of institutional level greywater management assets in Panchayat Ghar, healthcare facilities, schools, Anganwadi Centres (AWCs), […]