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Disqualification Of Member Of Parliaments

Disqualification Of Member Of Parliaments: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has been disqualified from the Lok Sabha recently. Disqualification of Member of parliaments:- The provision for disqualification is given in Article 102 of the Constitution. It specifies that a person shall be disqualified for contesting elections and being a Member of Parliament under certain conditions: If […]


Guillotine: The ongoing stalemate in the Indian Parliament has led to the possibility of the government using ‘guillotine’ to fast-track the passage of the Finance Bill without any discussion in the Lok Sabha. This has led to confusion and questions about what exactly guillotine means in legislative parlance. The term guillotine originally referred to an […]

Abel Prize

Abel Prize: Luis Caffarelli has won the 2023 Abel Prize for his contributions to regularity theory for nonlinear partial differential equations, including free-boundary problems and the Monge-Ampère equation. The Abel Prize is a prestigious award in mathematics that recognizes pioneering scientific achievements in mathematics. It is named after Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel. The Norwegian […]

National Initiative For Promotion Of Upskilling Of Nirman Workers (NIPUN) Scheme

National Initiative For Promotion Of Upskilling Of Nirman Workers (NIPUN) Scheme: The National Initiative for Promoting Upskilling of Nirman workers (NIPUN) has recently completed its training program for construction workers engaged in the Central Vista project in New Delhi. NIPUN Scheme is an innovative project for the skill training of construction workers. It is an […]