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Pterosaur Species : Important Points

The Pterosaur Species: Researchers have described a pterosaur species with opposable thumbs, which could likely be the earliest-known instance of the limb. The pterosaur species were reptiles, close cousins of dinosaurs and the first animals after insects to evolve powered flight. They evolved into various species; while some were as large as an F-16 fighter […]

Gruppe S : Germany’s Far-Right Group

Germany’s far-right group (Gruppe S): The trial of 11 individuals who are believed to be members of Germany’s far-right group called “Gruppe S” (Group S) began in the city of Stuttgart. These 11 members are suspected of planning attacks on mosques, asylum centres and the German parliament. According to the German government, the organisation was […]

India’s Public Debt Level Among The Emerging Economies

India’s Public Debt: As per Moody’s Investors Service, India’s public debt level is among the highest in emerging economies with a quantitative easing programme underway, while its debt affordability is among the weakest. Public debt is the total amount borrowed by the government of a country. In the Indian context, public debt includes the total […]

Online Grievance Management Portal Of National Commission For Scheduled Castes

Online Grievance Management Portal Of National Commission For Scheduled Castes (NCSC): The government of India launched the “Online Grievance Management Portal of National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC)” This NCSC Grievance Management portal would make it easier for Scheduled Castes population to register their complaint from any part of the country. The portal is designed […]

Hydrogen Economy – The Indian Dialogue 2021

Hydrogen Roundtable Titled “Hydrogen Economy- The Indian Dialogue-2021: The Energy Forum (TEF) and the Federation of Indian Petroleum Industry (FIPI), under the aegis of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India, are organizing a Hydrogen Roundtable titled “Hydrogen Economy- the Indian Dialogue-2021” in a virtual mode on 15th April 2021. The Hydrogen […]

Register Of Indigenous Inhabitants Of Nagaland (RIIN)

Register Of Indigenous Inhabitants Of Nagaland (RIIN): An apex body of Naga tribes has asked the Nagaland government not to be hasty with the exercise to prepare the Register of Indigenous Inhabitants of Nagaland (RIIN), seen as a variant of Assam’s National Register of Citizens. The Nagaland government has reportedly been trying to revive the […]

National Mission On Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE)

National Mission On Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE): Scientists, with support from the National Mission on Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE) Programme, have been able to disseminate available scientific information to the farmers to enable sustainable and climate-resilient agriculture in the Leh region. NMSHE is one of the eight missions under the National Action Plan on Climate […]

102 Years Of The Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy

102 Years Of The Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy: The Prime Minister of India commemorated 102 years of the Jallianwala Bagh tragedy that took the lives of hundreds of innocent Indians. Recently, on the occasion of 130th Foundation Day of the National Archives of India, an exhibition “Jallianwala Bagh” was inaugurated, to mark the Jallianwala Bagh massacre […]